tawa dan tangis


Orang yang girang tertawa terpingkal-pingkal sering mencucurkan air mata. Orang yang sedih mencucurkan air mata juga. Orang menangis karena penderitaan yang berat, tapi dalam saat kebahagiaan yang sangat dalam manusia menangis juga. Sangatlah biasa orang tertawa bila sedang bahagia, tapi dalam saat-saat kehancuran jiwa, ketika segala harapan terasa berpuing-puing, sering manusia tertawa. tertawa pahit.

Saat jiwa meluap dan raga jasmani terlalu terbatas untuk memuat rasa, pecahlah tangis ataupun ketawa. Bila orang malu atau grogi, bila anak ditanya dan tidak sanggup menajwab, bila kita sedang buntuk mencari penyelesaian soal, bila orang gugup tidak tah apa yang harus dikatakan, bila kita sedang macet atau menyerah pada suatu banjir persoalan, maka perisai timbul dan tanggul kita buat spontan sebagai pelindung terakhir: menangis atau tertawa.

Ada tawa yang berasal dari hati yang baik. Ada tawa yang berakar pada lumpur kedosaan. Tawa yang jahat itu mengejek, memojokkan, dan mengolok-olok orang lain. Tawa orang jahat timbul dari suatu ketakutan yang terselubung dan tertawa hanyalah merupakan suatu topeng belak, topeng ketakutan terhadap kekalahan.

Tawa manusia yang dekat dengan Allah itu seperti tawa anak-anak:merdeka, bersih, mengharukan, tanpa ancaman. Ia mampu tertawa bersama orang lain yang bergembira hati, terlebih ia mampu menertawakan kebodohan dirinya sendiri. Ia bisa tertawa dan terlebih lagi ia bisa menertawakan diri sendiri. Itulah orang merdeka. Tertawa yang datang dari hati itu tidak mengutuk tapi menolong.

Suatu saat kita akan alami bahwa antara tertawa dan menangis tidaklah ada jurang.

sumber: Y.B. Mangunwijaya, “Ragawidya: Religiositas Hal-hal Sehari-hari”. Kanisius. 1986.


Tersenyumlah meski perih dan luka hatimu.
Saat awan gelap menghadang, kamu akan berhasil melewatinya jika kamu berani tersenyum menghadapi ketakutan dan deritamu. Tersenyumlah…dan mungkin esok kamu akan melihat indahnya cahaya mentari yang berhasil menembus awan gelap itu.

bergembiralah, tegakkan kepalamu.
sembunyikan setiap jejak kepedihan.
Di saat air mata nyaris tak terbendung,
di saat itulah kamu harus tetap bertahan.

Tersenyumlah…tidak ada gunanya kamu bersedih.
Hanya dengan tersenyum kamu akan menemukan bahwa hidup ini masih layak untuk dihidupi.

Quotations on Laughter

[15] The heart which is not struck by the sweet smiles of an infant is still asleep (Hazrat Inayat Khan) | [17] Love sees as a child sees | [19] We do not stop playing  because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing. | [21] Life was a funny thing that occured on the way to the grave (Quentin Crisp) | [24] When I grow up I want to be a little boy (Joseph Heller) | [26] Please do not say, “It is morning”, and dismiss it with a name of yesterday. See it for the first time as a newborn child that has no name (Rabindranath Tagore) | Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young (Henry Ford) | [36] Laughter is higher than all pain (Elbert Hubart) | [38] Laughter is a most healthful exertion (Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland) | [39] A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones (Proverbs 17:22) | [47] Physician, be happy thyself (Luke 4:23) | [49] He who laughs best today, will also laugh last (Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche) | [49] The most wasted day is that in which we have not laughed | [55] We don’t laugh because we’re happy—we’re happy because we laugh (williams james) | [61] The ability to laugh at oneself, in particular, is a vital psychological immunity against the modern thinking disease of ‘over-seriousness’ | [62] Humour is a whisper from the Soul, imploring mind and body to relax, let go and be at peace again | [63] There cannot be a crisis next week. My schedule is already full (Henry Kissinger) | [65] Anything awful makes me laugh. I misbehaved once at a funeral (Charles Lamb) | [66] I have a new philosophy. I’m going to dread only one day at a time (Charles Schultz) | [67] Laughter is the best way to make somebody’s heart beat (R. Holden) | [67] Laughter is an affirmation of dignity, a declaration of man’s superiority to all that befalls him (Romain Gary) | [68] Laugh, and the world laughs with you (Ella Wheeler Wilcox) | [73] Good humour is one of the best articles of dress one can wear in society (William Makepeace Thackeray) | [79] A Laugh is a laugh is a laugh (Inspired by Gertrude Stein) | [80] Laughter is a highly addictive positive contagion: if somebody starts, it’s very difficult to stop (R. Holden) | [83] Laugh, and I’ll tell you who you are (R. Holden) | [85] Laughter is not at all a bad beginning for a friendship, and it is by far the best ending for one (Oscar Wilde) | [86] One funny friend in life makes up for all the trouble, toil and strife (R. Holden) | [87] A good laugh is sunshine in a house (William Makepeace Thackeray) | [88] What magic there is in a girl’s smile. It is the raisin which, dropped in the yeast of male complacency induces fermentation (P.G. Wodehouse) | [90] Laughter is the shortest distance between two people (Victor Borge) | [92] By helping a person to laugh, you are helping that person to live (R. Holden) | [98] A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market (Charles Lamb) | [101] When work is a pleasure, life is joy! When work is a duty, life is slavery. (Maxim Gorky) | [105] A winning smile makes winners of us all | [105] Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing (Theodore Roosevelt) | [115] I am persuaded that every time a man smiles, but much more when he laughs, it adds something to this fragment of life (Laurence Sterne) | [116] It is a test of a good religion whether you can make a joke of it (G.K. Chesterton) | [119] Let there be mirth on Heaven and Earth (R. Holden) | [122] It is more fitting for a man to laugh at life than to lament over it (Seneca) | [125] Let us live while we live (Philip Doddridge) | [120] God made both tears and laughter and both for kind purposes; for as laughter enables mirth and surprise to breathe freely (Leigh Hunt) | [122] Laugh if you are wise (Latin poet Martial) | [122] Laughter can facilitate love; love can facilitate laughter. To put in another way: through laughter, we learn to love; trough love, we learn to laugh.


Robert Holden, Laughter: The Best Medicine. The Healing Power if Happiness, Humour, and Laughter, (London: HarperCollinsPublisher, 1993), 15-122.

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